Monday 7 March 2011

Zena, Warrior Princess at the end of a needle.

One year ago today I started putting a needle into my thigh every day. As a doctor by training,injections were absolutely no big deal. As a 50 year old woman, the reality of where I had arrived made my heart sink like a stone. I have been breaking bones since I was twenty, usually stress fractures from pounding exercise. I had been taking ballet classes since grade three, which were replaced by pounding aerobics classes with really funny looking Lycra; Then I discovered the zen of running. Finally, there was the dieting, the endless dieting. In order to stay thin enough, lithe enough, svelte enough, yaddayaddayadda.... I was pretty much perpetually dieting. This, and a heaping helping of bad luck, left me with the bones of a 90 year old. But in my mind , I was still Zena, Warrior Princess. I refused to slow my pace. One year ago I snapped my left ankle whilst walking around my house. So after I stopped crying into my diet Sprite, I started daily injections of a drug to help make my bones stronger. I stopped running, but kept walking. And one step at a time, I emerged from my deep, dark place. I haven't broken a bone in the year since I started shooting this drug into my body. And what's the best part of this journey? Zena's back!

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